Custom Clearing Agent
Custom Clearing Agent in India Delhi Ludhiana
We are a own Customs Licenced (Minstry of Finance) Customs Brokers having more than 5 years in the
field of Customs Clearance. We have thourgh knowledge of Tariff Classification, Notification, Customs Act, Customs Rules and Regulation,
Duty concesion, Duty Exemption Schemes, SVB Proceedues, Duty Drawback Claim, Customs Duty Refund, Licence Verification,
Clearance of capital goods, second hand machines etc. We handle both export and import of any products.
Custom Clearing Agent in India Delhi Ludhiana
Call +919779067762
We are a own Customs Licenced (Minstry of Finance) Customs Brokers having more than 5 years in the
field of Customs Clearance. We have thourgh knowledge of Tariff Classification, Notification, Customs Act, Customs Rules and Regulation,
Duty concesion, Duty Exemption Schemes, SVB Proceedues, Duty Drawback Claim, Customs Duty Refund, Licence Verification,
Clearance of capital goods, second hand machines etc. We handle both export and import of any products.